UBA 14-18 Award
UBA 14-18 Award
In commemoration of the World War One centenary the Royal Union of Belgian Radio Amateurs (UBA) issues a remembrance award. Between 1 August 2014 en 31 December 2018 applicants must collect at least 1418 points.
The following rules apply for obtaining points:
- OP0PPY = 500 points
- Special event stations with prefix OP14, OP15, OP16, OP17, OP18 contribute each for 250 points; Belgian stations need to work at least three of these stations, other European stations two and stations outside of Europe one;
- During the month of November of the years 2014-2018 all other Belgian stations will count 30 points.

The award is free of charge, and only available in digital form.
Send your log extract in TXT format and claimed score to on4cas [at] uba [dot] be (ON4CAS)