UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

MM0RAI/P - Rockall Island

Date Until: 
MM0RAI/p - Rockall Island
(March 30, 2009 - js) A Belgian group of die-hard amateur radio operators along with ON4HIL, ON4ATW, ON6CC, ON4IA, ON5TN, ON7YT, ON6ZU, ON4AHF, ON5GS, ON6NL and ON4BR took up the challenge to land and to be active from Rockall island as MM0RAI/p (EU-189), in order to make thousands of radio contacts from the “most wanted” spot for ten thousands of hams. They are planning to start their activities on April 30th to May 3rd. Operations will be lead from 80 to 10m on CW and SSB only. QSL via the bureau or direct through ON4BR.

Media: cfr. Het Belang van Limburg 1 en 2.