Rules of the ON Contest
ON Contest 2023
The UBA Section MCL - Mechelen invites all radio amateurs to participate in the 43th edition of the ON Contest.
1 - Contestperiods
6 meters Phone/CW | september 24, 2023 from 07:00 UTC to 10:00 UTC. |
80 meters SSB | october 1, 2023 from 06:00 UTC to 09:00 UTC. |
80 meters CW | october 8, 2023 from 06:00 UTC to 09:00 UTC. |
2 meters Phone/CW | october 15, 2023 from 07:00 UTC to 10:00 UTC. |
2 - Categories
- a ON stations.
- a2 ON stations QRP.
- b ONL (Belgium SWL's member of the UBA).
- c UBA sections.
- d Foreign stations.
- e Foreign SWL.
QRP: Participants in this category will state clearly "QRP" in the heading of their log and state they didn't used more power the 5W in CW or 10W in SSB.
UBA-sections: In each contest part only those sections are counted from which at least 5 logs (ON + ONL) (80m CW 3 logs) with each at least 25 valid QSO's. The points of the 3 best logs are added together to produce the result of the sections. To determinate the final result for the sections, the totals obtained by the sections are dived by a factor equal to the average of the first 3 ON station of that contestpart/10000.
For foreign stations, only QSOs with Belgian stations are valid.
3 - Bands
Use the IARU contest preferred bandsegments:- 80m CW: 3510 to 3560 KHz.
- 80m SSB: 3600 to 3650 and from 3700 to 3775 KHz.
4 - Contest call and exchange
CQ ON Contest- Stations in Belgium: RS(T) + QSO-number from 001 + UBA Section (stations not member of the UBA will give XXX)
- Stations outside Belgium: RS(T) + QSO-number from 001
5 - Points
3 points for each QSO. For ONL/SWL 3 points for every ON station heard.6 - Multipliers
1 multiplier for each UBA Section (XXX is also a multiplier).7 - Final Result
The number of QSO points multiplied with the number of multipliers.8 - Logs
Send your log in cabrillo format.Logs in another format must have a summary sheet and one or more logpages.
Logsheets on an A4 format paper will have 40 QSO's per page and will mention following items:
- Date, UTC, Band, call, report send, report received (RST + QSO number + UBA section), multiplier and points.
- Date, UTC, Band, call station heard, report send (RST + QSO number + UBA section), call station being worked, multiplier and points. (voor ONL/SWL. The same station being worked may only appear 10 times).
- Contestname, contestdate.
- Name and first name, callsign, complete address, UBA section.
- Number of QSO's, points and multipliers and the calculated score.
- Statement: "I declare that all the contest rules and all the rules and regulations for amateur radio operation in my country have been observed and adhered to. I accept all the decisions of the contest committee".
- Signature and date.
Following programs support this contest:
SD from EI5DI. Download here the updated list of the UBA Sections for SD. (Click right and save as)
N1MM (freeware).
9 - Deadline and address
All logs have to be send in no more than 7days after each contest. Logs received via email will receive a confirmation within a week.
- via email: ubaon [at] uba [dot] be (subject: Log%20ON%20Contest%20from) (ubaon[at]uba[dot]be). If you do not receive an answer within a week, send your log again, but at on5wl [at] telenet [dot] be (on5wl[at]telenet[dot]be).
- at the address: Welters Leon ON5WL, Borgstraat 80, 2580 Beerzel, Belgium.
10 - SWL
The station heard must be an ON station.On VHF, the ONL/SWL does not have to mention the station worked.
11 - Certificates
- The winners of each category will receive an award if they have at least 25 valid QSO's in their log.
- The section that wins the final ranking of the sections will receive a nice plaque.
12 - Penalties and disqualification
- For paper logs: each double non marked QSO will be penalised with 5 times the value of the QSO before the final score is calculated.
- QSO's which do not appear in the log of the other station count for 0 points, but no additional penalty will be applied.
- Logs on paper with more than 3% double not marked QSO's will be disqualified.
- For cheating, imaginary logging and clear, repetitive and intentional violation of the contest rules.
- For continuous or repetitive violation or total negation of the IARU band plan.
13 - Remarks
- In view of the short duration of the contest there is no distinction between single- or multioperator stations. Both are allowed and will be placed in the same category.
- A maximum of 10 QSO's with members of your own section will be taken in account for points. You may work more stations of your own section but they will count for 0 points.
- Stations using a special event call will be placed outside competition and are not eligible for an award.
- On 2 meters and 6 meters a station can only be worked once regardless of mode.
Good luck!
The contest committee: ON5WL
UBA Sections
AAA | Antwerpse Actieve Amateurs | HAC | Hasselt | OST | Oostende | ||
ACC | Antwerpse Contest Club | HCC | Haaglandse Contest Club | PHI | Section radio de Philippeville | ||
ALT | Radioamateurs Aalter | HOB | Heist-op-den-Berg | RAF | Radio Club Ardenne-Famenne | ||
ARA | Actieve Radio Amateurs | HRT | Herentals | RAM | Radio-Amateurs Mouscronnois | ||
ARC | Amateur Radio Club of Brussels | IPR | Ieper | RAT | Radio Amateur Team | ||
AST | Aalst | KSD | Koksijde | RBO | Eupen | ||
ATH | Radio Club de Ath | KTK | Kortrijk | RCA | Radio Club des Ardennes | ||
ATO | Tienen | LGE | Liège | RCN | Radio Club Noord | ||
BDX | Brussels DX team | LIR | Lierse Radioamateurs | REM | Radioamateurs Erpe-Mere | ||
BLW | Brussel West | LLV | La LouVière | RST | Sint-Truiden | ||
BRC | Bell Radio Club | LUS | LUxembourg Sud | RSX | Ronse | ||
BSE | Brabant Sud-Est | LVN | Leuven | SNW | Sint-Niklaas | ||
BTS | BrabanT Sud | MCL | Mechelen | THN | THuiN | ||
BXE | BruXelles Est | MLB | Midden Limburg | TLS | Tussen Leie en Schelde | ||
CDZ | Ciney Beauraing Rochefort | MNS | MoNS | TRA | Torhoutse Radio Amateurs | ||
CLR | CharLeRoi | MTT | Mol-Turnhout | TRC | Trudo Radioamateurs Club | ||
CPN | Charleroi Pays Noir | MWV | Midden West-Vlaanderen | TWS | Together We're Strong | ||
CRD | Club Radioamateur de Durnal | NBT | Noord Brabant | UBA | UBA National Clubstations | ||
DNZ | Deinze | NLB | Noord Limburg | VHF | Antwerpen VHF | ||
DRC | Dendermonde | NMR | NaMuR | WLD | Waasland | ||
DST | Diest | NNV | Ninove | WRA | Wortegemse Radioamateurs | ||
EKO | Meetjeslandse Radioamateurs | NOK | Noorderkempen | WRC | West-vlaamse Radio Club | ||
ERA | Eeklose Radioamateurs | NOL | Noord-Oost Limburg | WTN | Radio Club Wetteren | ||
GBN | Geraardsbergen | ODE | Oudenaarde | WTO | WaTerlOo | ||
GBX | GemBlouX | ONZ | Oosthoek | XXX | Not Member UBA - no multiplier | ||
GDV | Gang De Verviers | ORA | Opwijkse Radio Amateurs | ZLB | Zuid Limburg | ||
GNT | Gent | OSA | Antwerpen | ZLZ | Zelzate | ||
GTM | Grensloze TransMissie | OSB | Brugge | ZTM | Zottegem |