UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

slideshow 1

Photo: Couloir

Tikfouten in We would like to have your feedback !

Dag Claude!
We would like to have your feedback ! -> We would like to have your feedback!
Persoonlijke gegevens -> vertalen naar het Engels
Your call : -> Your call:
Your email address : -> Your email address:
I'm member of the UBA : -> I'm member of the UBA:
Hou do you evaluate our colummns ? -> How do you evaluate our columns?
We like to know what you thik about it -> We like to know what you think about it.
Column 'Techniek' -> Column 'Techniek' --- vertalen in het Engels
What would you like to find that isn't there now: -> What would you like to find that isn't there now?
Would you like to collaborate: -> Would you like to collaborate?
Is the site lively enough (1) ? -> Is the site lively enough (1)?
How do you find the theming ? -> How do you find the theming? --- ander woord zoeken
What quote deserves this website ? -> What quote deserves this website?
(1) Are there enough updates in the different columns ? -> (1) Are there enough updates in the different columns?
How frequently are you visiting the UBA Website: -> How frequently are you visiting the UBA Website?
Give us your remarks and suggestions: ! -> Give us your remarks and suggestions: