UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

slideshow 1

Photo: Couloir

DX Info

BCA - Belgian Castles Award Reference List
Submitted by: ON6DP
ON7RN, Eric (BCA Manager) et Paul ON6DP ont travaillé pendant quelques longs mois afin d’établir une liste des références châteaux de Belgique. Ils nous présentent cette liste aujourd’hui. Elle reprend environ 2100 références châteaux en Belgique.

Il n’a pas été facile de constituer cette base de données car les châteaux sont parfois repris avec des noms différents tout au cours de leur histoire. Heureusement qu’Internet et Google EARTH existent. Cette liste doit encore évoluer au fur et à mesure de découvertes de nouveaux châteaux en Belgique et sur base de nouvelles demandes de radio amateurs.

Le fichier est accessible UNIQUEMENT en lecture et toute modification ou demande de nouvelles références doit être envoyées à Eric, on7rn [at] eudxf [dot] de.

Il existe aussi un fichier .KMZ ou .KML pour votre GSM ou Smartphone. Si vous souhaitez obtenir ce fichier vous pouvez le demander.
TX5K - Clipperton Island
Submitted by: ON5EX
The March, 2013 DXpedition to Clipperton Island has received the callsign TX5K to be used during the operation.

With the addition of Luis XE1L, Dave WJ20, and Giovanni I5JHW, the team has 23 members. One space remains available for another operator, scientist, or other supporter who wishes to join the DXpedition.

The QSL manager will be Bob N2OO. Off-site team member Dean N7XG is developing new software to help automate some of the operations at the QSL manager and his team. The expedition will use DXA, the system that enables real-time web display of the log data, first used on Kure Atoll K7C 2005, to provide confirmation of valid QSOs in about 1 minute after they are made. They will also make use of ClubLog and LotW.

The DXpedition will be active on all HF bands and modes for about 10 days. In addition to the radio operations, the team will carry out numerous scientific projects of environmental science, especially involving studying invasive and undiscovered species that have potential for catastrophic disruption of the Clipperton ecosystem. The team will study vortex winds produced by the island, and will document foraging by congenitally deformed birds. Advisor Robert Pitman reports that a significant portion of the masked boobies are deformed and apparently are fed by their parents their entire lives.

The DXpedition is very pleased to acknowledge a personal gift from a world-famous ham of $10,000. While preferring to remain anonymous, the donor hopes that his gift will stimulate others to support the project.

A particularly interesting activity will be the real-time Internet video connection with students. After the expedition the students will write essays for a compendium to be titled "Saving the World, by We the Students." The publication is designed to be the first of a series of "Saving the World, by…" The team also will collect and remove plastic debris from the island. You can help in these efforts by making a donation through the link on the website.

9U4U - Burundi
Submitted by: ON4BEN
With the callsign 9U4U pending, an international team from Belgium, Netherlands and Scotland plan activity from Burundi during the second half of February 2013. 10 operators in total with four stations on air.

Website with full details/plans expected soon. DXpedition organized by the "Belgian Rockall Team".

5X8C – Uganda
Submitted by: ON4BEN

The F6KOP team members and some foreign operators e.g. Eric ON7RN and Francois ON4LO, will be signing 5X8C next February 2013, 6th to 18th. They will be active from 160m to 10m on SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK.

QSL via LoTW, direct or via bureau (through OQRS).

PA60WNR - Herdenking Watersnoodramp
Submitted by: ON5EX
(à traduire) In het jaar 2013, brengen Zeeuwse radiozendamateurs op 2 februari het radiostation PA60WNR in de lucht ter herdenking van de 1953 ramp.

De dag na de ramp werd door radiozendamateurs een radionoodcommunicatienet opgezet. Enerzijds om vanuit de Zeeuwse delta alarm te slaan naar Holland en anderzijds de hulpgoederen in de Delta te coördineren. Zij willen zoveel mogelijk Nederlandstalige amateurstations bereiken.

Speciaal voor deze herdenking is een QSL-kaart gemaakt in samenwerking met het Watersnoodmuseum. Het museum zal de hele dag open zijn voor het publiek. Bezoekers mogen die dag gratis het museum in. Graag tot ziens in Ouwerkerk of tot werkens op HF.

PA60WNR is QRV op 2 februari vanaf 09.00 uur tot 17.00 uur lokale tijd. De gebruikte frequenties van PA60WNR zullen zijn:
80m SSB: 3700 kHz +/- QRM
40m SSB: 7080 kHz +/- QRM
CW: 3555 kHz +/- QRM
CW: 7040 kHz +/- QRM

Meer informatie:
SI9AM - Ragunda, Sweden
Submitted by: ON5EX
Raf ON5RZ, Jean ON4JW and Dirk ON7DS will be active from the 'Far North' in Sweden, January 23-28, 2013 as SI9AM. They will also be QRV for the UBA SSB DX contest on January 26 and 27.

All info, live video, chatbox and more can be found here.

QSL via SI9AM only.
HS0, XU7
Submitted by: ON4AFU
Eddy ON4AFU is QRV

  • als HS0ZJF/8 van 21/1/2013 tot ongeveer 19/2 vanop AS101 (Koh Samui).
  • als XU7AFU2 van 21/2 tot 2/3 vanuit Kampong Som.
  • als HS0ZJF/9 van 4/3 tot 21/3 vanop AS126 (Koh Butang).

dit volgens de beschikbare vrije tijd, met beperkte antennes en vermogen en enkel in CW.
2012 DX Magazine's Most Wanted Countries
Submitted by: ON4CAS

Zoals ieder jaar publiceerde "The DX Magazine" eind 2012 de lijst met de meest gezochte DXCC gebieden.

Graag geven we je de top 25 mee:

1 P5 North Korea
2 KP1 Navassa Island
3 3Y Bouvet Island
4 FT#Z Amsterdam & St. Paul
5 VK0/H Heard Island
6 FT#W Crozet Island
7 BS7H Scarborough Reef
8 VP8/S South Sandwich
9 ZS8M Marion Island
10 FT#T Tromelin Island
11 PY0S St. Peter & St. Paul
12 KH5K Kingman Reef
13 ZL9 Auckland & Campbell
14 KH5 Palmyra & Jarvis
15 SV/A Mount Athos
16 E3 Eritrea
17 BV9P Pratas Island
18 FT#E/J Europa & Juan de Nova
19 VP8/G South Georgia
20 KH3 Johnston Island
21 KH9 Wake Island
22 CE0X San Felix
23 KH7K Kure Island
24 KH1 Baker & Howland
25 FT#X Kerguelen

Dankzij de succesvolle YO6T en HK0NA DXpedities komen beide entiteiten niet meer in de top 25 voor. Met de recente PT0S en ZL9HR DXpedities valt te verwachten dat de nummers 11 en 13 volgend jaar ook lager zullen scoren. Zoals algemeen werd verwacht blijft Noord Korea de lijst aanvoeren. De volledige lijst kan je hier bekijken.
6W7SK – Senegal
Submitted by: ON4BEN
Francis F6BLP will again be QRV as 6W7SK from Saly Portudal, Senegal between January 4-18, 2013, mainly CW activity on 10 to 80m (covering the eight bands). If possible he also hopes to be active on 160m with an Inverted L.

QSL via LoTW, EQSL, Direct, French Bureau (REF).

FG4NO – Saintes Island
Submitted by: ON4BEN
Beginning January 1, 2013, Nicolas, FG4NO will be operating from Saintes Island (IOTA NA-114) from Terre de Haut City, Guadalupe. He is the only OM representing this particular IOTA at the moment and he also lives there.

For Region 1, QSL via F4AVX through the bureau.