UBARoyal Belgian Amateur Radio Union

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Photo: Couloir

DX Info

V88/DL7JAN - Brunei
Submitted by: ON5EX
Jan, DL7JAN is starting his next DXpedition in late February 2010. He will be on air from Bandar Seri Begawan as V88/DL7JAN from 22nd February till 3rd March, 2010. Activity is planned from 160m to 10m in CW, SSB and RTTY.

QSL is ok via DL7JAN either buro or direct.

TX4T - French Polynesia
Submitted by: ON5EX
Operators Jacques F6BEE, Phil FO8RZ, Nigel G3TXF and Gilles VE2TZT will be active from French Polynesia as TX4T between 09-25 February. QRV on 9 HF bands, 160-10m. QTH will be north of Tahiti Hiti peninsula. Strong effort on low bands (160m and 80m). Entries in WPX RTTY and ARRL DX CW contests are planned.

QSL via G3TXF, direct or bureau. Further information can be found here.

Submitted by: ON5EX
Luc ON6DSL is a keen SOTA-operator, summer as well as winter time, publishing his outdoor journeys on YouTube.

YJ0MM - Vanuatu
Submitted by: ON5EX
The YJ0MM Vanuatu Team is departing 16th January from Venice. They expect to be on the air from the Efate island on January 21 around 10:00 GMT on 40/30m. Activities are planned up to January 28, 160m-10m, CW/SSB/RTTY.

OR4TN - Antarctica
Submitted by: ON5EX
OR4TN is ON5TN’s call sign from the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station on Antarctica. Karel is a member of the team who is there on a mission to make the new base operational. That means he is there to work... If work permits, he will try to be active but it is NOT a priority. The good news (well, for us anyway) is Karel's stay has been extended until February 25. At that date the entire team will leave Antarctica. More details here.

HS0ZJF - Thailand
Submitted by: ON5EX
HS0ZJF & XU7AFU Eddy, ON4AFU will be in Thailand between January 12 – March 8, 2010 and will be signing HSØZJF. Eddy will also be active from AS-101 during this time-frame signing HS0ZJF/8.

Furthermore, XU7AFU also operated by ON4AFU will be active from February 2nd to February 15th, 2010. He will be QRV on CW only.

QSL via his home call to the bureau.
XR9JA - Antarctica
Submitted by: ON5EX

Radioclub Concepción, Chile, will be active from Greenwich Island January 10-25, 2010, signing XR9JA.

Istanbul - European Capital of Culture 2010
Submitted by: ON5EX
Throughout 2010, Istanbul is the European Capital of Culture. TCSWAT will be activating new callsigns from special places, combined with a special award program.

TC2010CCE Various QTH 2010
TC2010CCA Asian Istanbul 2010
TC2010CCI Islands of Istanbul 2010
TC2010PSG Pilot Sabiha Gökçen SG Airport March 20-21-22
TC2010RKM Rahmi Koç Museum June 4-6
TC2010DHO Cabotage Day, Naval Academy July 1-4
TC2010VS Volvo Youth Sailing World Championship July 8-11
TC2010IIM Istanbul Islands Museum, Princess Islands July 30-31
TC2010LT Leander's Tower August 14-15
TC2010RH Rumeli Hisarı September 17-19
TC2010AH Anadolu Hisarı September 17-19
TC2010IDO İstanbul Ferries September 24-26
TC2010GT Galata Tower December 10-12
4S7KKG - Sri Lanka
Submitted by: ON5EX
Peter, DCØKK is active from Sri Lanka until January 7th as 4S7KKG. He is operating on 20m, CW and digital modes like RTTY, PSK and WSJT.

QSL via DCØKK direct or via the buro.

YI9PSE - Iraq 2010 Survey
Submitted by: ON5EX
Let Iraq DXpedition know what bands or modes you need them on by clicking on this link.

This is what will determine YI9PSE operating time.